Working with a 3D architectural rendering agency is a great idea if you are looking for stunning, high-quality architectural renderings. But when it comes time to handing over one of your first projects to that 3D architectural rendering agency, you first have to think about creating task descriptions. This step is crucial for ensuring that the agency seamlessly meets your expectations and those of your customers and can create the 3D renderings under ideal conditions. However, you also risk not having enough time or not being 100% sure of what you want in your 3D renderings, so how do you strike the right balance between you and your agency?
Short guide to a good job description
Any architectural project can become complex, whether it’s because of a lack of communication or multiple rounds of customer changes. These problems are often inevitable but can be mitigated by creating comprehensive task descriptions. To do so, architects must follow these three tips to make the 3D architectural rendering agency’s life a little easier:
- Give them a floor plan. By providing your 3D architectural rendering agency with a floor plan that includes the furniture arrangement, you are making it easier for them to actually create the architectural renderings. The floor plan must include the furniture dimensions as well as the height of any doors or windows. If you have a picture of the room that is being rendered, it is also a great idea to give that to the agency.
- Provide references. It is always easier to illustrate ideas from images, whether that is in the form of photos, sketches or detailed descriptions. We suggest visiting websites like Pinterest or Houzz to find inspiration. If you want the 3D agency to incorporate a specific design (that you just can’t live without) into the 3D architectural rendering, provide them with several different reference materials.
- Describe your customer’s preferences. Each customer is unique and so are their preferences. You know your customers better than the 3D agency. It is extremely important to provide the agency with as much information as possible on your personal preferences and those of your customers—this can include colours or even materials. By doing so, the project will have a personalized flair that will impress your customer.
Why take the time to describe the tasks of a 3d architectural agency?
- If the 3D architectural agency isn’t given enough information about the project, they may try and fill in the blanks themselves and end up missing the mark. However, if you give the 3D agency too much information to sift through, they will waste a lot of time trying to sort through relevant information. Not to mention, you will spend way too much time gathering all of that information in the first place. It’s important that you only provide enough information so that the project goes off without a hitch.
- In any case, the more detailed your task descriptions are at the beginning of the project, the more precise and accurate your 3D architectural renderings will be, leaving you thrilled with the end result. Even though there will always be changes to make, you still get high-quality projects.
- By working with an experienced and qualified 3D architectural rendering agency, you avoid getting hung up on useless details and can get right to work on creating stunning 3D renderings.
- Are you looking for a 3D architectural agency that can seamlessly meet your requirements and create next-level 3D renderings? Contact Archvyz today.